Thursday, March 4, 2010


Today I have BAD tourette's

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


So I went for some drinks with a couple of people from work the other day.

It turned badly nasty, fuck me, people in finance can drink, after god knows how many gin and tonics the inevitable happens, "lets go somewhere else!!!" and off we went, with me in the car is the new (very hot) woman from the second floor, and one thing led to another, and we didn't make the other venue, now I am all for a bit of stranger danger but I was worried that it might be a bit creepy at work.

Lo and behold, not creepy at all, not even a mention, which suited me just fine.

until 2 nights ago that is, it happened again. And afterwards she tells me she is married.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I smell dead people

And here we sit, in the batcave. its open plan and somebody ate a dead person with some cabbage last night.

I mean FUCKING HELL!!!!!!! If you are going to die that badly at least have the decency to claim it, a simple "sorry, my bad" would suffice.

I had to go buy a toothbrush this morning from the garage, dont know how and dont know why but mine went awol somewhere, and I overslept
luckily the garage isn't that far and to be honest this morning I couldn't be bothered, so picture this :

me walking into the garage wearing my boxers and a smile paying for a newspaper and a toothbrush and asking for a packet of Dunhill.

Lady behind the counter asking me , hey wena, did you not sleep at home last night? that made my day
but sadly, yes I did sleep at home, alone, well not totally alone (got my puppy for company at least)

Work is also quite entertaining at the moment, the amount of back pedaling and arse covering going on boggles the mind.

Already twice today I've had this conversation.

Oh shit/fuck/god/christ you have to help me, I am in big shit here

me: hhhmmmm, time is money, and mine is not cheap, a case/bottle/both should do the trick

Name it!!! i'll go get it!!!


souls have been bought and sold for less.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Boo Fucking Hoo

Well that sucked, I made it to Lagos, got my sanity back there while waiting for a connecting flight.

At home again now, and I realized I had Golden circle tickets to the killers. and I missed it. shit

How is it possible that 1 person can control your thoughts and emotions that much?

I need a hobby.

Think I am taking my spacehopper to rosebank mall on Saturday and just going to go be a kid again. and go somewhere and dance as if nobody is watching.

shit I'm still sad.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Spacehoppers = fun and trouble

I dont usually buy crap from the blokes at the intersections, save the couple of times by blackberry died and I needed a charger.

But today

At the William Nickol on-ramp there was a bloke with space hoppers, and I wanted one, badly.

So I bought 2

As I am driving towards the office again with the 2 space hoppers snugly in the backseat I start wondering, what the hell am I going to do with these things.
So I take them down to my fellow monkeys in the IT department where we have secluded ourselves from the rest of the great unwashed. And we had a race.

Down the corridors, up the elevators , rules were each had to choose his own elevator push the button and wait, hop in go up to HR, hop through the department, down the fire escape to IS, back into the elevator and first one at back at the batcave is declared the winner.

Now there are quite a few of us, and only 2 space hoppers, so we had heats.

by the end of the 3rd heat, 1 of the directors was waiting in the batcave, and yes there was a bit of screaming and shouting, but fuck me it was good to feel like a kid again.

Levi's and the taal

So I thought maybe I need a new pair of Jeans, and maybe the retail therapy will make me feel better.

And off to Edgars I go

Now if there is one thing that irks me is when people that are clearly afrikaans insists on speaking English. Badly

Sales Lady: Goot day, ken I help yoe?

Me : Hi Hello, I am looking for Levi's

Sales Lady: wot saiz is yoe lookings for

Me: Ons kan maar regtig Afrikaans praat

Sales Lady : ve got some new stok in yesterdays.

Sales Lady : excewes me plies. (holds one hell of a conversation with other sales person in afrikaans)

Me: Ek is opsoek na Levi's net gewone 501's asseblief

Sales Lady : " "

Me: (giving up) I are looking for a levi jeanpant


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dammit, fuck, shit, I should have taken the job at Google . At least then I could’ve said now “ well yes my heart is ripped to pieces, my soul has been ripped from me, but at least I still work at google” But now I am the Linux Dude at a some corporate tight ass shithole

(that is about as exciting as watching grass grow in the desert )

She left me, found somebody else, had to hear it from a friend.

Fuck its hard, I wish I had a Brian now (click the link, refer to peas on toast) I had a dog, he broke away while I was walking him and a car got him

I wish I could have started my blog on a lighter note.

Think I should go to the bowling club, it seems like an upbeat place that could cheer anybody up.

Once again


But as my mom would say

Sai’l la vie (pardon the spelling)

The Silent me